2022 – European Green University

Are you interested in exploring issues that link the struggle for a socially and environmentally just society? The European Green University will be a vibrant space for the exchange of knowledge and experience to delve into key green policy issues, around the big questions of today’s reality as well as the future. About the event The European Green University opens its doors for the first time! On this occasion, the European Green Foundation (GEF), in cooperation with the Green Zone Foundation and the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Warsaw, invite Green activists and politicians and academics from all over Europe to look at the political situation in Poland from a green perspective and to build bridges and connect debates at national and European level. Topics and methods The University will be a unique meeting place for more than 150 Green activists and politicians, female activists and active citizens and citizens interested in a green perspective from Poland and across Europe to network, discuss and empower each other. Through this initiative, the organisers want to create an inspiring environment for learning and exchanging knowledge, experiences and skills for building a better future together. The programme of the University will include important green policy issues, worked through in various formats such as workshops, trainings, plenary debates and networking. The Green University will also be a place to strengthen the links between the Polish and European Green movements. The sessions will be divided into four different streams:
Some other sessions will be recorded and made available soon on social media Friday 15 July
9:00-9:30 | REJESTRACJA | |||
9:30-11:00 | SESJE RÓWNOLEGŁE | |||
1. ⇉ Ekonomia obwarzanka w polskich miastach – utopia czy projekt polityczny? [PL] 2. 3. ✹ Wspólna energia, oszczędna energia [EN/PL] 4. | ||||
11:15-12:15 | ⊷ ŁĄCZMY SIĘ | |||
12:30-14:00 | ||||
14:00-14:45 | POWITANIE | |||
14:45-16:15 | DEBATA PLENARNA Go Green Go Social: Wyzwania i ścieżki sprawiedliwej społecznie transformacji w Polsce i UE [EN/PL] | |||
16:45-18:15 | SESJE RÓWNOLEGŁE | |||
1. ⇉ Prawo do mieszkania, w niestabilnych czasach [EN/PL], 2. 3. ✹ Dekonstrukcja mitów i lobbyingu przemysłu jądrowego [EN/PL] 4. | ||||
18:30-20:30 | ⊷NETWORKING DINNER |
Sobota 16 lipca
9:30-10:00 | KEYNOTE | ||
10:00-11:30 | DEBATA PLENARNA Peace & Security: Perspektywy polska i ukraińska w Zielonej europejskiej debacie o bezpieczeństwie [EN/PL] | ||
11:45-13:15 | SESJE RÓWNOLEGŁE | ||
1. ⇉ GEJ: Making Our Minds: Odkrywanie polityki edukacji [EN] 2. 3. ✹ Metale dla transformacji energetycznej [EN] 4. | |||
13:15-14:00 | ⊷ SNAP DEBATE [Energy security] | ||
14:00-15:30 | |||
15:30-17:00 | SESJE RÓWNOLEGŁE | ||
1. ⇉ Zieloni wymyślają od nowa miasto [EN] 2. 3. ✹ Skills training: Obalanie dezinformacji na TikTok [EN/PL] 4. Odwaga troski -Ekofeministyczna moc zmiany [EN/PL] + Podziękowania (w sali plenarnej) | |||
17:20-19:30 | Nadzieja umiera ostatnia |2021|Nagrodzony film dokumentalny o młodzieżowym aktywizmie klimatycznym Debata z aktywistami [EN lub PL] |