

The Green Zone Foundation supports activities in line with the ideology and programme of the Greens (political parties and NGOs). The main lines of this programme are the same in Poland, the European Union and all over the world – above all, sustainable economic, social and ecological development, social justice and equal opportunities, the development of civil society and participatory democracy, combating all discrimination, freedom of opinion, separation of state and church, freedom of speech and free circulation of information, development of the knowledge society, responsible management, corporate social responsibility, green economy, green tax reform. The Foundation’s activities seek to respond to the greatest challenges of our time: the climate catastrophe, the dramatic loss of biodiversity, the depletion of non-renewable resources, massive environmental pollution and rapidly growing great inequalities, seeking new future-oriented political, social and economic solutions. In Europe, our Foundation cooperates with the Green European Foundation and the European Green Party. In Poland, we collaborate with numerous NGOs and the Green Party (e.g. by organising Green Summer Universities, holding debates, conferences, workshops, exhibitions and other events to promote green thought and agenda), as well as supporting the magazine Zielone Wiadomości.

Our statutory objectives
The statutory objectives of the Green Zone Foundation:

  • promotion of civic democracy and pro-social attitudes;
  • supporting grassroots economic activity,
  • promoting ethical attitudes in business, fostering entrepreneurial attitudes, supporting social resourcefulness;
    promoting the idea of sustainable development and action for the environment;
  • promoting equal opportunities and equal status regardless of nationality and race, religion, beliefs and cultural differences, gender and sexual orientation, age and state of health, social background and property status
    promoting freedom of opinion;
  • support for science and the dissemination of its results; promotion of the free exchange of scientific ideas;
  • supporting culture, the arts and independent media; promoting the free circulation of information and cultural content;
  • supporting local initiatives and activating local communities;
  • supporting dialogue and cooperation between communities and individuals;
  • promoting peaceful coexistence, non-violent conflict resolution.