Green days 2023

Dates/place: 29 June – 1 July 2023, at Hotel Orle, 8 Lazurowa Street, 80-680 Gdańsk Sobieszewo. For the eighth time, the Strefa Zieleni Foundation is coordinating the organisation of the Green Summer University, which has changed its formula and partners, but still remains an important Polish annual meeting of actors and actresses of green politics: male and female politicians, male and female activists, as well as organisations and coalitions close to them ideologically, scientists and female scientists, art and artivists… Our guiding slogan is: “On the Green path to the donut” i.e. we meet on the Green path to the “bagel” because, as the British economist Kate Raworth brilliantly explains in her book and in her speeches, our human activism has to fit in the space between the material deprivation and loss of dignity of people and societies and the limits of planetary resilience.
We meet at an important moment, a few months before the most important elections since the founding of the Green party in 2004. In a few months, Polish women and men will decide what kind of country we will be – whether we will permanently become an illiberal autocracy, patriarchal, with religious fundamentalism and intolerance in the background, or whether we will succeed in stopping this dangerous direction. Will we be a country that supports the EU’s ambitious climate policy, the European Green Deal and its sectoral strategies, a socially just energy and ecological transition, or on the contrary, will we again be the biggest brake on the EU’s aspirations for global leadership in this fight against time for a world to live in for future generations. The topics discussed at Green Days 2023 will certainly mostly be the subject of the Polish election campaign, but they will also go beyond the election standard package. Some are obvious, addressed and updated many times, such as energy, the food system or the rise of authoritarianism and the crisis of democracy. There will also be new ones, such as the European funds and their important new conditionality rules, democratic principles and fraud prevention measures. And with the energy transition, we will additionally focus on the civic energy model that we care most about, particularly from the side of its response to energy poverty. Green Days 2023 consists of three intertwining cycles offered by three different Green partners:
- The Green European Foundation is proposing a seminar of 3 sessions under the common title: “Green Days for the Future”. One of these debates is organised in partnership with the Living Earth Coalition. – The Heinrich Böll Foundation in Warsaw is proposing a seminar in partnership with Sharp Green, consisting of three sessions under the common title “Green movements and youth participation”. – The Green Party is proposing a series of policy discussions and competence trainings under the common title “Green path to the bagel” The above three seminars will be preceded by a joint opening and introductory speeches and conclude with a joint conclusion. In addition, the Ecological Association EKO-UNIA proposes a plenary debate of politicians from the three political families on “Which energy transition for which future? The Green Zone Foundation is the coordinating partner of all these sessions and accompanying activities. The partners of the individual sessions are also organisations: The Women’s Congress Association, Pracownia na rzecz Wszystkich Istot, the Polish Green Network and the Institute for Sustainable Development, whom we thank very much for their contribution.
The program (in draft) can be found here: program
Registration questionnaire: registration
The fee applies only to the cost of stay. Stay from June 29, 3 p.m. to July 1, 2023 with dinner: 2 nights with breakfast, two dinners and two lunches – in a triple room PLN 660 / person. ; – in a double room PLN 800 / person. . Child 3-10 years old on an extra bed for two adults: PLN 240/stay. All training and activist activities are free (program from June 29, 4:30 p.m. to July 1, 5:30 p.m.), and additional free and paid activities are possible (swimming pool, exercise room, ping-pong, billiards, volleyball, children’s playroom). (spa) on site.
The total cost of the stay must be paid BEFORE THE STAY to the account of the Strefa Zieleni Foundation: 66 1020 1097 0000 7602 0237 0450 (PKO BP Bank). Meals only cost PLN 60/person. adult, PLN 30/child.
Information:, tel. 664673700
Panelists, moderators, keynote speakers (in alphabetical order):
Srishagon (Srish) Abraham, 23 is a law student and member of the Executive Committee of the Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG). Originally from Malaysia, he is now living in the Netherlands since 2019. With a heart for politics, he started his activism in Malaysia, standing up for the rights and equality of ethnic-minoritised peoples including his own as a minority Malaysian Indian; and was an active volunteer for initiatives supporting marginalised children and refugees. In the Netherlands, he has continued this passion by standing up for the representation of minoritised ethnic and queer communities and youth within Dutch politics. Diversity, inclusivity, and intersectionality always stand central in his priorities and ambitions. With the little free time he has, you can find him singing, vibing, or writing poetry!
Angelika Apanowicz – teacher, co-coordinator of the Program Council for Education of the Green Party, director of the Waldorf school in Warsaw
Heloísa Apolónia – Portuguese politician, 1995 – 2019 Member of the Assembly of the Republic for the Ecological Party “The Greens” (PEV). She graduated in law in 1992. She served on the Moita city council for two terms. She was the president of the youth group “EcoloJovem”. In the 1995 elections, she was elected as an MP for the first time in the Setúbal district. She was re-elected in the same district in 1999, 2002, 2005, 2009, 2011 and 2015. In 2019, she ran from a different district and was not elected.
Alicja Baska – doctor, graduate of the Medical University of Warsaw, academic teacher at the Department of Lifestyle Medicine at the School of Public Health of the Center for Postgraduate Medical Education, public health resident. Certified lifestyle medicine specialist with the International Board of Lifestyle Medicine (IBLM Diplomate). Co-founder and Organizational Director of the Polish Society of Lifestyle Medicine. Vice-President of the European Lifestyle Medicine Council. Member of the Advisory Council of the Global Positive Health Institute. Speaker and organizer of many medical conferences devoted to a healthy lifestyle in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. Co-author of the publications “Lifestyle medicine”, “Contemporary challenges of public health”, “How to eat healthily, move, love and sleep”, “How to live, Doctor”. Passionate and propagator of culinary medicine and planetary diet.
Joanna Brauła – member of the National Council of the Green party, member of the board of the party’s Pomeranian Circle
Łukasz Brządkowski – city councilor in Tczew, member of the Economic Policy Committee, member of the Social Policy Committee and member of the Complaints, Petitions and Petitions Committee
Monika Chabior – deputy mayor of Gdańsk for social development and equal treatment
Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield (video) – French MEP from the Greens/EFA group involved in the work of the AFCO, FEMM, PEGA committees and as a deputy in LIBE and ING2, member of the board of the Green European Foundation (co-organizer of Green Days 2023)
Damian Wojciech Dudała – Founder and CEO of the SOC TECH LAB Foundation. Coordinator of the project of the Congress of Urban Movements “Green revolution – civic energy in small and medium-sized cities”. Associated with the non-profit sector since 2001. Social researcher, educator and project manager by education. Graduate of doctoral studies at the University of Lower Silesia. He studied and completed research internships in Poland, Great Britain, Iceland, Norway and Estonia. Professionally, he works as a Social & UX Researcher and Digital Designer. He conducts audits of digital maturity, digital needs and training for business in the field of digital transformation, including: as part of the SME Manager Academy of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development. A graduate of, among others: School of Leaders, Faculty of Innovation, Social Innovation Brokers, Platform Cooperatives Now and Digital Transformers.
Beata Dunajewska – councilor of Gdańsk, represents the Everything for Gdańsk association
Magdalena Gałkiewicz – member of the Management Board of the Green party, co-chair of the party’s Łódź Branch, feminist activist (Dziewuchy in Łódź) and pro-animal (Viva!)
Dorota Grzeszczak – deputy mayor of Szprotawa
Klaudia Jachira – member of the Sejm of the 9th term, comedy actress
San Kocoń – press spokeswoman of the Ostra Zieleń Association. Regional coordinators in the LGBT+ Friendly Schools Ranking project. He is interested in culture, ecology and equality issues.
Alice Bah Kuhnke – Swedish MEP in the Greens/EFA group, involved in the work of the LIBE and FEMM committees.
Lena Anna Kuklińska – co-chair of Ostra Zielena – Young Polish Greens, project manager of the Federation of European Young Greens, pro-animal activist.
Joanna Mucha – member of the Sejm of the 9th term (Trzecia Droga / Poland 2050)
Kate Raworth (video) – British economist, author of the book “Ekonomia obwarzanek”
Josh Roberts (online) – Senior Policy Advisor at
Andrzej Rozenek – member of the Sejm of the 9th term (PPS)
Ewa Rumińska-Zimny (PhD) – vice-president of the board of the Congress of Women Association, Minister of Finance in the Shadow Cabinet of the Women’s Congress, lectures on feminist economics at the Warsaw School of Economics, represents SKK as a member of the Monitoring Committee of European Funds Modern Economy 2021-2027.
Zuzanna Sasiak – coordinator of the More than Energy campaign in the Polish Green Network, where she also deals with the issue of European funds
Przemysław Słowik – councilor of Szczecin, co-chairman of the Green party
Joanna Maria Stolarek – director of the Representative Office of the Foundation. Heinrich Böll in Warsaw, co-organizer of Green Days 2023
Maria Staniszewska – president of the Management Board of the Polish Ecological Club, coordinator of the Living Earth Coalition
Urszula Stefanowicz – coordinator of the Climate Coalition, president of the Polish Ecological Club, Mazovia branch, expert on climate policy in Poland, the EU and the UN
Ewa Sufin-Jacquemart – president of the management board of the Strefa Zieleni Foundation, member of the management board of the Green European Foundation, vice-president of the management board of the Congress of Women Association
Wojciech Szymalski – president of the Sustainable Development Institute, member of several Monitoring Committees for EU funds 2021-2027
Radosław Ślusarczyk – chairman of the ecological organization Pracownia na dla Wszystkich Stętt
Magdalena Środa (prof.) – philosopher, feminist, publicist, lecturer at the University of Warsaw, co-founder with Henryka Bochniarz of the Congress of Women, which celebrates its 15th anniversary in 2023, vice-president of the board of the Congress of Women Association, Minister of Education and Science in the Cabinet Shadows of the Women’s Congress
Małgorzata Tracz – member of the Sejm of the 9th term, member of the Management Board of the European Green Party
Dagmar Tuschek – Co-president of the Green European Foundation (co-organizer of the Green Days 2023), former president of the Green Austrian political foundation Freda.
Daniel Walczak – urban activist from Łódź, Institute of Civil Affairs, member of the board of the Łódź Circle of the Green party
Magnus Wåhlin – Miljöpartiet de gröna (Green party of Sweden). Municipal commissioner in the municipality of Växjö. Focus on sustainable issues and social justice. Member of the party board for Miljöpartiet de gröna. Responsibility for international matters in the board and convener of the party’s new EU-politics for the election in 2024. Part of the party’s delegation to the European Green Party. Civilian background: Minister in the Church of Sweden, environmental officer of the diocese of Växjö. Responsible for the dioceses international development work in primarily Costa Rica. Development work in India, Eritrea, Ethiopia.
Artur Wieczorek – member of the Management Board of the Strefa Zieleni Foundation, trainer, trainer
Urszula Sara Zielińska – member of the Sejm of the 9th term, co-chair of the Green party
Justyna Zwolińska – PhD student at SGGW, Advocacy Coordinator of the Żywa Ziemia Coalition