
LaRevueDurable - about Poland in Polish

On the occasion of the COP 19 climate summit, the Swiss environmental monthly LaRevueDurable published with our help the Polish version of a special 2012 issue on ecology, environmental protection, climate and energy policy and spatial planning in Poland.

We are happy to have been involved in this extremely valuable project, which was created to contribute to raising the environmental awareness of Poles. It is about Polish citizens influencing Polish politicians so that they do not block the ambitious environmental and climate policies of the European Union, for our common good and for the good of our children and future generations. The Earth’s climate is our common responsibility, the Earth’s waters are interconnected worldwide, we share resources and we will not escape from this Planet.

LaRevueDurable gives a very good account of Polish ecology, encouraging all of us, in a very objective and balanced way, to strive for the best biological living conditions for Poles and other inhabitants of the Earth.

If you would like to receive a number of copies for free distribution, write to
